
Welcome to the Artist-in-Residence at Cobblestone School

"Where Children Love to Learn"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

'kids with guns'

This film examines and questions, without forming an opinion or making summary judgments, why many children have a fascination with guns and playing war.
Children have no trouble gaining access to firearms and over 5% of high school students in the United States, affirm that they carried a gun in the past month, and it is estimated that approximately one million children bring guns to school each year.
Non-war deaths; an estimated 2 million children have been killed with small arms since 1990. Non-fatal injuries in addition to those killed, an estimated 1.5 million children are wounded by small arms each year. Small arms kill 200,000 people worldwide each year in homicides, suicides, unintentional shootings and shootings by police. In countries like Brazil, USA and South Africa, guns are a leading cause of death among young people.
These are the facts. It is numbing that considerable numbers of children find it easy to gain access to guns and are killed or being injured due to firearms.